Reply To: Should frum yidden remove all plants from the home during the month of december?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Should frum yidden remove all plants from the home during the month of december? Reply To: Should frum yidden remove all plants from the home during the month of december?


I may have to change my chodesh Kislev cactus minhag. I just made a quick trip over to the home depot for furnace filters and at the checkout there was BIG display of what were advertised as “X’Mas Cactuses” (which look nothing like a real cactus) in addition to the usual Poinsettias. While its obviously not going to be confused for a conical shaped evergreen with cute little reindeer and tzelems hanging from its branches, I’ve been advised by a chashuvah posek that there is an equally big inyan of maris ayin in connection with a feaux X’mas Cactus.
Also, while we’re on the subject of the “yom tovim”, don’t forget to make your dinner reservations at your locall glatt Chinese restaurant for ניטל נאַכט‎.