Reply To: Why are the liberals going to bus dangerous youths from OOT into Flatbush?

Home Forums Politics Why are the liberals going to bus dangerous youths from OOT into Flatbush? Reply To: Why are the liberals going to bus dangerous youths from OOT into Flatbush?

anonymous Jew

DY, all of the things I mentioned are all positions that I agree with. I’m just saying that from their perspective, the conservatives might not like it ( from our perspective, can’t be helped ).
What I find amusing I’d how we react when the shoe is on the other foot. There have been several incidents where frum Jews, attempting to escape the overcrowded, expensive real estate conditions in Lakewood and Rockland, have sought to buy in neighboring semi rural communities. Those residents viewed the Jews ( bringing with them high density housing ) as a threat to their way of life, the same way the Jews of Midwood view the charter school. Why is it antisemitic for the semirural residents to protect their way of life but not racist for Jews to protest against the school.