Reply To: Family seperation at the border

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Many of the children snuck in are child traffic victims.

Sneaking into the US is extremely dangerous. They travel by foot for many days, sometimes even weeks, and pass through areas with dangerous terrain and a strong likelihood of being attacked by animals and criminals. Assuming these are the true parents, it is probably a huge relief to have temporary housing for 20 days, including beds, bathrooms, free food, and basic medical care. When it seems that the parents are absolutely incapable of caring for their children, the government places those children in foster care where they will be taken care of.

I’ve heard many in the media and politicians complain about how the process is done. I haven’t heard many of these immigrants claiming that they were abused. I did hear a mother cry about them taking away her still nursing baby but if she thought that crossing the Rio Grande with a nursing baby was a good idea, then probably her sense of judgment is a bit off.