Reply To: Thanksgiving Day

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Thanksgiving Day Reply To: Thanksgiving Day

anonymous Jew

Joseph, I guess you consider a sense of humor to be a Christian creation too.
I assume you’re basing your statement on the Pilgrim story. In fact, the first official Thanksgiving Day was declared in 1789 by George Washington thanking hashem for the Constitution. It also marked the first time a Rabbi was asked to deliver a benediction at a government function . Observed intermittently, intermittently over the next 70+ years, it was established by Executive order as an annual holiday in November 1863 by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War and established by law in 1941 by FDR.
Last time I checked, presidents do not establish Christian holidays. Do churches hold services? Yes, but so has the Spanish and Portuguese Synogogue since 1789.
Just because shuls say hallel on Yom Haatzmaos doesn’t make it a Yom Tov.