Reply To: Does a Divorce indicate a Family lacked Shalom Bayis?

Home Forums Family Matters Does a Divorce indicate a Family lacked Shalom Bayis? Reply To: Does a Divorce indicate a Family lacked Shalom Bayis?


A man who literally seeks a get for a wife who burns his dinner will himself find an even more offensive burning smell in his version of olam habah (aka gehenom). Even our usual trolls have shown some restraint in recent years in posting such idiotic justifications for offensive behavior because one might bring down a literal holding or inyan from chazal. As others have frequently noted, you can probably find some basis from an out of context excerpt from tanach or some arcane gematria to prove or disprove anything you wish to belief.

Today we know from both gadolei torah and frum psychologists, family relations experts, etc. that in certain cases, divorce is not just the only option but it is the BEST option for the man and wife but also for the children. Obviously, we should exhaust all other options but there may be reasons beyond shalom bayis why a divorce is necessary.