Reply To: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table?

Home Forums Family Matters Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table? Reply To: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table?


Reb Eliezer, hachnosos orchim is a great mitzvah, I’m certainly not debating that. But there are prerquisites to this mitzvah. The first thing a person should look at when they do a mitzvah is if it will elevate them or lower them spiritually. Many have tried to “save” others while dragging down their family’s and their own ruchnius.

Now I’m not saying you can’t invite anyone because it lowers the spiritual level of the home since the guest will automatically be of the opposite gender of one of the spouses (or teenaged or adult children in the family…). Neither do I wish to make a blanket statement that one cannot speak to the opposite gender at seudahs, I’m not saying it’s wrong in all times. Everything should be within context. And I’m sorry that you are not invited into Chassidishe homes but I can see that happening. As I said previously, we weren’t invited to anyone’s home going back 25 years ago when we were a family with no father in the house. But I wouldn’t want it another way, there’s no way I’d agree to eat at other family’s seudahs just because we didn’t have a father…So I do get that Chassidishe families don’t invite you, not that I’m not agreeing that it’s right, I’m just stating that that’s the metzius…

But as for not inviting guests, all I said was that if one’s spouse is not comfortable with the guests they shouldn’t be invited. I did not say one shouldn’t invite guests at all, or that one cannot talk at all to guests of the opposite gender…