Reply To: Parking IN driveway

Home Forums Local & Neighborhood Issues Parking IN driveway Reply To: Parking IN driveway

catch yourself

I often disagree with you, but I think here you are right on the money. A person being in a difficult financial position does not justify bad behavior. You are well within your rights to expect your own driveway to be available whenever you want without having to give prior notice.
Even if it was a driveway which you never use or intend to use, there could also be the issue of שחרוריתא דאשייתא which may remove this from מדת סדום, depending on the exact circumstances.


Someone I know lives very close to one of the most heavily attended Shuls in New York, and people regularly park in his driveway without permission, with the rationalization that, “I just have to run in for Mincha – it’s only fifteen minutes!” The practical result is that he doesn’t really have a driveway. It’s safe to assume (based on רוב) that most of the people parking there are struggling financially. Does this justify what has been done to my friend? To me, this sounds awfully similar to the type of theft that was popular during the דור המבול.