Reply To: A Third of Israeli Youth Don’t Enlist in the IDF

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee A Third of Israeli Youth Don’t Enlist in the IDF Reply To: A Third of Israeli Youth Don’t Enlist in the IDF


1. A significant factor of increased exemptions is likely due to the population growth of the chareidim vs. chilonim.
2. Perhaps the declining interest in the secular youth enlisting is also due in large part to the chareidim. They may think “If they don’t serve, why should I?”

3. Do you really want an 18 year with mental health issues to be walking around the streets of Israel 24/7 with a loaded assault rifle?

4. Why does it not bother you that there is an increase in mental health issues amongst your brethren?

5. It looks like the 33% includes the chareidim.

6. Dou you really think that they would just let people off bec. they claim to have mental health issues without a letter from a mental health professional?

7. Isn’t this more of a reason for chereidim to look for viable ways to work with the IDF to join the ranks of nachal chereidi if the secular will not join? If the chareidim will eventually become the majority in Israel they can’t realistically expect a minority of secular to be the only ones serving.

Stop making this an us vs. them issue without looking for for ways to address the problem.