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Ultimately, those who point to when Gedolim got married are engaging in speculation. These speculators don’t know when the Gedolim started to look, and aren’t willing to consider the fact the Shulchan Aruch’s hetter clearly applies to them . Puk Chazi is fine if you want to be machria in a machlokes, not when you want to uproot a clear, unanimously-accepted chiyuv d’oraissa. Please quote me ONE Teshuva which says that we could ignore the Shulchan Aruch because some Gedolim got married later. I am asking for ONE. Can you provide it, or not? I can provide you multiple MAJOR POSKIM who say that if a business leader tells someone to delay marriage, it is ASSUR to listen to him.
The Poskim are very clear what is happening here. They explain that certain business leaders had a lot to gain from delaying boys. Indeed, the Poksim notify us that these business leaders are committing an “avoin plili” are “asid leetain ess hadin” and they are “reshaim.” The Poskim understand that there is really no justification for this, notwithstanding when particular Gedolim happened to have ultimately gotten married.
It is very easy to claim that someone is suffering from mental illness. It is certainly easier than studying, considering and debating the various chazals which take delaying Pru Urvu extremely seriously. I hope you are right, but I am afraid (and I’m perplexed why you aren’t) you are wrong.