Reply To: How girls are causing the shidduch crisis!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee How girls are causing the shidduch crisis! Reply To: How girls are causing the shidduch crisis!

🍫Syag Lchochma

in answer to a few of your questions (if you are really asking and not telling…):
And on what bases is a “young woman” deciding that a young man is not a good match for her?
differs for each. Sometimes values differ. Sometimes he has expectations she can’t meet. Sometimes his idea of ‘family’ is very different than hers.

What’s wrong if someone has a regular stable job. They aren’t worthy of getting married?

I would doubt anyone said that. But does that obligate each girl to be the one to marry you?

They don’t deserve someone in their life?

Of course they do. Try looking for that person instead of being mad that the one YOU picked wasn’t her.
Who said they won’t get something better later in life or advance or get a better opportunity? And ehks to say the one with the career won’t lose it?

Ive never heard this used as an excuse to turn someone down so I can’t comment

And where do we factor in someone’s personality, caring, respectful, giving,considerate,patient, fun to be around, attentive and so on?

exactly my point. Who ever said that that wasn’t the reason for the “no” in the first place. And why can’t someone look for the person who has the nature they are looking for without being accused of being petty, materialistic, money hungry and everything else you called her….