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I don’t listen to Limbaugh and I know that 2% is bunk. I go straight to the source, most countries have electricity now and video cameras fyi. It’s 2% or less than 2% IF you can lock down a city for weeks and not allow citizens to go outside, and fly in hundreds of military medics to put everyone with a 99degree fever into a military hospital. You won’t get this type of treatment over here. We’ll see what the real number is when someone gets more cases than China or even Korea.
Furthermore, why does everyone focus on the fatalities, what about getting sick? That does not look like a barrel of laughs. How many weeks out of work and in isolation is that? You haven’t followed how slow that recovery number ticks up versus the new cases?
And don’t forget, while everyone else says to wear a mask, the CDC says to only wear them if you are sick. Although you won’t know if you are sick for 2 weeks, which is the period you are spreading it. That’s if you even show signs. And oh yeah, it might be as mild as a cold. Though I never had a fever with a cold, and since in infected countries they only pull people aside with fevers, I’d like some more background on this.
Washington Post says transmission is difficult, the rest of the world says the R factor is a 4 versus the usual 1-2 as the flu.
CNBC ER doctors says they’re still waiting on test kits. They wanted to test 100’s but only got to 30 something people. So, again, who is sick? Mail your complaints to them and everyone outside of the US who keeps giving us contradictory facts.

I thought I understood the Torah to essentially say to guard your health. Wash your hands, clean the doorknobs, and don’t touch your face should be a habit already.