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Reb Eliezer

ברכות ס,א

When buying a new car for recreation the Igros Moshe (3,80) says that for himself make שהחיינו and for the family make הטוב והמטיב,

אשה כי תזריע וילדה זכר if the women enjoys the relationship first the child is a boy. The Ksav Sofer in Shmos כאשר יענו אותו כן ירבה וכן יפרץ explains the more they afflicted him the more boys were born. The men were exhausted from work, so the women had the desire more and boys were born.

Over here, we need to reconcile the Torah and science. The science says that the man has an x&y chromosome and the woman has 2-x’s. If the man gives a y, it is a boy and if he gives an x, it is a girl. So according to this, the man determines the gender. We must say that the woman creates the environment for the man under which he either gives an x or y chromosome.

Hilel said the screaming cannot come from my house because they, in my house, accept the bad with the good with the same feeling.

The doctor is only given allowance to heal not to depress people and cause mental anguish.
It says כל המחלה אשר שמתי במצרים לא אשים עליך כי אני ה’ רפאך all diseases I placed on Egypt I will not place on you as I am Hashem, your healer. First we see that the one providing preventive medicine is the true doctor. Second by the doctor, it says ורפא ירפא a peh and by Hashem it is a feh. Explains the Rabbenu Bechaye that the pronunciation of a fey is light, easy cure whereas by a doctor the peh is harsh and so is the cure. Why the double language by the doctor? I heard some answers from doctors. One said that by Hashem there are no side effects, so we don’t need to go back the second time. The other said, that by a doctor, the Torah wants us to get a second opinion.