Reply To: Garlic for Coronavirus

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Garlic for Coronavirus Reply To: Garlic for Coronavirus


I agree with Philospoher and Mammele. and thanks Philospher for your helpful information. I hope you are feeling better and have a refuah shelema b’karov.
Let’s realize that if there is one lesson we can learn from the whole pandemic here is that HKBH is in control not us mortals. It is astounding to me that the doctors will admit that they don’t have a cure or a remedy yet are so confident in saying this and that medicine or this and that remedy is foolish. Who are they to say. Also, there have not been enough studies to say yay or nay in any direction really. This is called novel coronavirus for a reason. It is new.
It could be that home remedies can work up to a certain stage and beyond a certain stage they don’t. Bottom line we don’t know. It is up to us to do hishtadlus. Hishtadlus is social distancing, it is hand washing, wearing gloves, and or masks, it is using hand sanitizer at times, it is calling a doctor when necessary, going to an ER if that is necessary C”V. and other physical hishtadlus. and that can very well include trying home remedies as preventative or early measures, such as vitamins, supplements, gargling, acv baths, herbs, etc if one catches it early enough. There are many that are being suggested. can’t hurt to try. the original post was not saying these can replace calling doctor, taking a test, going to hospital when indicated. And some of these remedies can make the non-critical yet very painful symptoms ease so it is definitely beneficial to share these remedies.
As well there are spiritual hishtadlus in addition to above – Tefillah, Tzedakah, Teshuva, Limud Torah, Taanis, Taanis Dibbur, Listening to a shiur, Shmiras haloshon, lighting shabbos candles early,chessed etc
Let’s daven that HKBH accept our hishtadlus and bentch us with the geulah shelema