Reply To: Why do so many continue to ignore restrictions on gatherings and travel

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Why do so many continue to ignore restrictions on gatherings and travel Reply To: Why do so many continue to ignore restrictions on gatherings and travel


Many points were true and understandable. But I do not understand how someone can think that you need to still do ‘the right thing and go to shul’ at a time like this. Hashem is obviously very angry at klal Yisroel, yes all of klal yisroel and we need to figure out what we did wrong (edited) yes this may be most relevant to the mainstream Americans but we are a klal and there are different areas for everyone. The point is Hashem is telling us ‘stay in your houses. No more yeshiva. No shul. No Pesach programs. No weddings. And so on.’ You need to see what life is really about and become better and he is clearly doing this by giving us backyard wedding like the good old days, Pesach sedarim that resemble prewar Europe rather than seudas achashveirosh and fathers teaching sons. There are many things we can all do to become better but it starts by realizing that we were all off track in one way or another and that we are responsible for this. Hashem wants you to be home. Enough illegal backyard minyanim. Even front porches which are socially distanced is a chillul Hashem. Don’t get me wrong- my heart is aching to hear a krias hatorah but we need to chap that Hashem put us here to teach us something. If you disagree, come right at me.