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The facts are that a certain percentage of healthcare workers are not treating frum Yidden properly which is leading to more deaths & sickness (See the letter by Rav Shlomo Miller Shlita). Precisely because healthcare workers are overstrained & facing the risk of catching ill they are more susceptible to believe the reporting in the mass media that ultra-orthodox Jews aren’t practicing social isolation & thereby putting everyone else at risk. A nurse in Kimball hospital in Lakewood told a female patient as she was intubating her “You’re probably not coming out of here alive”. When people are stressed out, their darker sides often emerge & we need to be prepared to deal with this. This is actually the reason why the Poskim of Lakewood have forbidden all minyonim, even on porches. The frum patients are being mistreated in the hospitals because of the foolish behavior of some in the frum community. Holding people responsible for their behavior is sometimes the only way to get them to overcome their biases against us. I can see a place for this kind of askonus. I also realize that it may antagonize things more. This is a hard call.