Reply To: Things we managed to live without

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1. Elaborate Simchas, Weddings/ Bar Mitzvas / Vorts
2. Peasch programs (N/A)
3. High end Chol Hamoed trips (N/A)
4. Eating out the week before Peasch (N/A)
5.Cleaning help before peasch (N/A)
6. Going to the parents/ in laws for Yomtov (N/A) but i did miss my einiklach
7. Massive yurtzit tours, [ lizensk keristur etc.] (N/A)
8. New high end clothing because no one would see it anyway (N/A)
9.Bucherim and Sem girls going to Israel (N/A)
10. Meron on Lagbomer (N/A)

I didn’t need the Covid outbreak for most pf this list. Ok maybe i am guilty on item 1.