Reply To: Now What?? post pesach covid thoughts. Entitled generation being challenged

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Now What?? post pesach covid thoughts. Entitled generation being challenged Reply To: Now What?? post pesach covid thoughts. Entitled generation being challenged

Sam Klein

Unfortunately in today’s generation when a person or klal yisroel as a nation faces a problem we have a major problem called FACING REALITY almost everyone will block it from their face and convince themselves that what does this horrific coronavirus wake up call coming directly from Hashem have to do with me? What do you want from me Hashem? But in the back of our minds we all know the truth-myself included-were just not ready 3 FACE REALITY and admit to Hashem that we get your wake up call for serious teshuva ASAP together as a nation and we will all do teshuva ASAP, so we tragically continue to live in denial and leave Our loving father Hashem no choice but to continue hitting us with Horrific tragedies R”L.

How much longer will it take for us to wake up and FACE REALITY? How come the gedolei Hador have still not made a time for serious teshuva achdus and tefilla with fasting like they did in Nineveh and in the story of Purim? How much worse do we need it to get C”V?

I daven on behalf of the entire klal yisroel that we wake up ASAP together to serious teshuva and achdus so it doesn’t get worse C”V

Are we all seriously blind and think the Coronavirus situation is just coincidence shutting down the entire world and locking us all into our homes? WAKE UP MY LOVING BROTHERS.
Hashem loves his children klal yisroel and is waiting to bring Mashiach as soon as we do teshuva