Reply To: Time to cautiously reopen schools, Shuls, & most Businesses.

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Time to cautiously reopen schools, Shuls, & most Businesses. Reply To: Time to cautiously reopen schools, Shuls, & most Businesses.


“How’s sitting in a doctor’s waiting room with other patients waiting to see a doctor more essential than sitting in shul beseeching the Creator of the world?”
very easy actually. one of them you need to get health care and theres no other way to do it, and the other one youre able to do without a minyan (il let you figure out which one is which). Rov rabbonim in america have assured minyanim in shuls (or maybe all idk), so it isnt so hard to say that they might, just might, know better than you. also i know youre a big fan of rav Moshe Shternbuch, so why not take a look at what he says about davening in a minyan, unless of course hes also wrong.