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R’ Yaakov Koppel chossid
for a few generations it was based in kossov one of the main rebbes was called AHAVAS SHOLOM
the first rebbe in “vitnitz” – a town in romanaia was the TZEMACH TZADDIK called R’ Menachem mendel and based in vitznita, about 150 years ago. He was a son in law of the Ruzhiner rebbe. viznitz therefore has a few minhagim form ruzhin like saying ledovid hashem immediately after shmoine esrei.
He had two sons. the AHAVAS YISROEL who was called Yisroel, and married into the dzikov sanz dynasty. he had a tremendous influence in his warmth and approach to Shabbos. eretz Yisroel, and ahavas Yisroel which affect vitznitz till today. his younger brother was called boruch, he left vitnitz and was the fore runner of shotz vitnitz, and shtroznitz. he is known as the IMREI BORUCH
The next generation was first the DAMESEK ELIEZER, when he died childless his brother took over, he was called R’ Chayim meir, IMREI CHAYIM became rebbe in 1949 until 1973
His older son R’ yehoishua moshe YESHUOIS MOISHE was rebbe in b’nei brak, and he two sons who are rebbes R’ Yisroel and r’ mendel. His younger son was by nature stricter, was attracted a little to satmar, he was rebbe in monsey, demanded a lot from his chassidim discouraged voting in israeli elections etc…
He has seven or eight sons as listed above.
The Ahavas Yisroel had a son called Boruch, MEKOR BORUCH he was known as seret vitnitz and made his way to Chaifa, where his grandson is now rebbe.
There is also a shtroznitzer rebbe in London – R’ gershon Hager, and numerous other grandchildren.
כולם אהובים כולם ברורים R’ Yisroel hager is probably the closest in derech to the original vitznitzer philoshophy.
Toildois avrohom yitzchok is also a bug talmid of the vitznitze derech, and many many things have also been incorporated in belz – the belzer rebbe is married to a daughter of the yeshu’ois Moishe.
The Imrei Chayim had a grandson who was meshamesh him, he is called R’ Velvel Ernster, or the me’oir Chayim rebbe, in yerushalayim,.