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I and a painfully few others have been advocating a change in the “system” for years. I don’t see it happening. Covid-19 probably caused a temporary setback, but the system will survive. Entitlement, social status, living well, good single malt for kiddush, and all the other trappings of yeshivish life will most likely continue.
It may take a while, but I will continue to see young women with thousands of dollars of other women’s hair on their head strolling through Ramat Eshkol in the most expensive clothing and pushing the most expensive stroller while their husbands are being “moser nefesh” for Torah.
As an aside, when I hear a kollel boy is being “moser nefesh” in Yeshiva, I feel ill. Talk to my boy who spent five years in yeshiva and almost had his head blown off as a paratrooper fighting in a war about the term “moser nefesh”. And he was lucky. The soldier two feet in front of him was not. You’ll change the way you use the term quickly.