Reply To: Chinese Lab Origination of Wuhan Coronavirus

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NOmesorah -“Dear Health,
Anthrax is not a good candidate as a stealth bio weapon. it is not known for human to human transmission to occur. There is a reliable vaccine.”

You don’t need Human-Human contact.
Actually Covid 19 is NOT a good Bio-weapon. The Death rate is usually 1-3%.
Not a good weapon to kill alot of people!
OTOH, Anthrax is very good.
One guy just used it in 2001.

Don’t you think the Whole Chinese Gov. could do better than one Guy?
They could kill Millions of people very quickly, before any vaccine would be given!

From Wikipedia:
“The 2001 anthrax attacks, also known as Amerithrax from its FBI case name,[3] occurred in the United States over the course of several weeks beginning on September 18, 2001, one week after the September 11 terrorist attacks. Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and to Democratic Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, killing five people and infecting 17 others.”