Reply To: Dr. Scott Atlas of Stanford: Confining Young People to Makes No Sense.

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Dr. Scott Atlas of Stanford: Confining Young People to Makes No Sense. Reply To: Dr. Scott Atlas of Stanford: Confining Young People to Makes No Sense.


How… just how are you people writing this dreck? Do you not remember what things were like over Pesach when every day we were hearing about another friend or relative who died or was severely hospitalized because of COVID-19? And not only elderly either! Is that what you want to go back to? There’s no sensationalizing necessary, we all saw with our own two eyes and ears the dangers of not isolating! Sure most young people don’t die from it, but guess what? The more young people that have it, the more likely an older person will catch it! What are caretakers supposed to do? What about all the thousands of elderly who cannot care for themselves?