Reply To: Our Stupid President Trump

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n0m, I don’t understand what it is that you’re having difficulty with.

A thing is what it is and not something else. A king is a king and not a president, just as a cat is a cat and not a dog. The definition of “king” does not include “has a lot of power”. A king is the state. Louis XIV was France; there was no other definition. Elizabeth II is the UK, though in her case it’s a bit more complicated since the Glorious Revolution enshrined the principle that ultimately sovereignty rests not with the Sovereign or the Crown but with Parliament, and then the Act of Settlement separated the Crown from the person of the Sovereign. Still, it remains the case that she embodies the kingdom, all her subjects owe her loyalty and everything the kingdom does is in her name.

Trump is not the United States. He is merely the executive whom the USA has hired for a few years. The entire executive power is vested in him personally, so he can say “I am the executive branch”, but he cannot truthfully say “I am the United States”. We are not his subjects, or anybody’s. If someone were to kill him, they’d be charged with murder, not with treason. And the whole basis of the USA is the utter rejection of kings, to the point that we fought two wars against that concept, and would fight again to kill anyone who would try to bring it back. Therefore it is un-American to assert that he is a king.

I also don’t understand how you can not get my point about the posuk. The posuk says why you should not curse a king — because it’s dangerous. There is no other reason. Therefore since it is NOT dangerous to curse Trump, or even QE2, the posuk’s advice is irrelevant. On the other hand in a country like China or Russia, where there may not be a king but it is dangerous to curse anyone in power, the posuk’s advice does apply.