Reply To: Lakewood Yeshivos closed because of Murphy not Corona.

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Lakewood Yeshivos closed because of Murphy not Corona. Reply To: Lakewood Yeshivos closed because of Murphy not Corona.


Haimy, this last post is exactly what is perplexing to me in the hamon am reaction to rush back to the previous normal. You state that we may never know when we will be ready to open. Presumably that means that there is an element of unknown risk, ie a sofek sakana which is exactly the way my doctor feels. If that’s the case, all other points are moot. Who’s being matir a sofek pikuach nefesh? Be machmir when you have a sofek! Whatever the politicians say should have no bearing on us. We value life! We want everyone to live! Who’s taking achrayus in the world and the next for subjecting someone else to a sofek pikuach nefesh?!? Yes, it’s a terrible tragedy that the yeshivos and shuls were forced to close. We should all sit on the floor and cry to Hashem to accept our teshuva. The only thing that I can imagine a bigger tragedy is attending more levayas via zoom. I’ve had enough of that and I beg and plead with everyone out there to do their utmost that it doesn’t start again.

Listen to your rabonim and doctors (in my world they don’t disagree) and don’t make rash decisions on your own. If it’s safe after careful advice from rabonim and doctors then go ahead. But not before!!!