Reply To: Civil Disobedience

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Yechi Hamelech

“DC, Floyed was NOT strangled.”

No, he wasn’t strangled; he just had a knee pressed against his neck for 8 minutes until he was pronounced dead moments later….. Really now, Milhouse?! Didn’t I just say something about not posting insensitive comments?!

Floyd was in HANDCUFFS, and had 2 someone sitting on his legs. The guy was powerless!
As Jews, we believe that every human was created in Hashem’s image, and each one could fulfill Hashem’s Ratzon by leading a life of peace, based on the 7 mitzvos bnei noach…. A comment such as JeseyJew’s should be taken down by YW staff (actually, it shouldn’t have been sanctioned in the first place), especially because the user identifies himself as a “Jew”. which makes the chilul hashem much worse, if someone were to visit the sight, and chance upon this comment.