Reply To: Hydroxychloroquine

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“but the “Philip Carlucci, Tania Ahuja, Christopher M Petrilli, Harish Rajagopalan, Simon Jones, Joseph Rahimian” study HAD ZINC and they wrote that ZINC MAY play a role in therapeutic management for COVID-19.

There are no “limitations”, that is what they stated, despite having favorable results with the addition of zinc.”

EVERY study has limitations. Which is PRECISELY my point . Just becasue Dr. Z claims he had success does not mean Everybody has to follow him. The NYU study which actually provides real data unlike Dr. Z who said 6 weeks ago he’s release his “study” in 2 weeks, also has limitations as the authors acknowledge. They dont claim that “ok everybody has to use zinc” They say look it “may play a role” Its confusing to me that you are more excited by their results than they are

I provided them from the NYU study above Paragraph beginning “This study has several limitations. First, this was an observational retrospective analysis that could be impacted by confounding variables…” . posted om 5/27 at 10:07 AM
