Reply To: George Floyd

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee George Floyd Reply To: George Floyd

🍫Syag Lchochma

“Here is the context:
Ubiquitin: “That cop pretty much deliberately murdered him. He held his knee there as Floyd gasped for air said he cant breathe, as even a partner asked him to get off. ”
Syag: ““ …he didn’t gasp for air and any med student knows that someone who tells you they can’t breathe, can. ””

(context for what I am about to say- I DO believe he was killed – but it did not look like he was being strangled. I know that pressure on the neck cuts off bloodflow to brain and I assumed that that was why he passed out. Combined with pressure on chest making it hard to breathe as with Mr. Stark Hy”d.)

In the video he has his knee on his neck. I was surprised that he was NOT gasping for air. I am not denying he was being killed, I am not defending the officer. I am saying that in the video he is NOT gasping for air. So my point was that you can’t say that that indicator was present. Next comment I made, and I should have used a period here and not a comma. My fault completely, was that you also can’t use him saying he can’t breather AS AN INDICATOR that he couldn’t breathe. He WAS being killed, but the INDICATORS YOU bring are not present (and are often used to cry wolf) and that is the ONLY thing I meant in those words.

Disclaimer -Do I know that he was dying? no. Do people sometimes say they can’t breathe even if they could? yes. Was the officer wrong for not reassessing YES! 100%

Do you get it now? I couldn’t be as clear as I wanted because I have to keep inserting disclaimers, and if I elaborate any more the whole clarification will get lost. I am NOT discussing motives, I am commenting on the words YOU, a physician, used as INDICATORS that strangulation was obvious. period.

Above is just to clarify the beginning of my comments to you, that one starting/sticking point, not the whole context of the conversation or issue at hand. If I have not been able to make my point A clear, than I think we need to call it a draw.