Reply To: George Floyd

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee George Floyd Reply To: George Floyd



“No, because that’s the Truth!”

what makes you say that? you stick in “The Final Report was probably Done…” Why do you say that?

“”No; their just LYING! ”
why do you say that? do you have some inside information
you are making lots of assertions do you have anythign to back it up

Of course the claims you try to back up you get wrong too…
“He followed the Protocol.”

The protocol is to continue to hold unconscious individuals in a choking restraint? and not to check for a pulse?
citation please. I don’t believe you

thank you I supplied that to you already

Was he going for a conscious neck restraint? If so it is to be used on a subject ” who is actively resisting”
So not Floyd at that point.

If you say it was an unconcious neck restraint that is to be used “On a subject who is exhibiting active aggression, or; For life saving purposes, or; On a subject who is exhibiting active resistance in order to gain control of the subject; and if lesser attempts at control have been or would likely be ineffective”

Obviosuly not in floyd’s case

Baruch Hashem there is still a sense of justice in this country and the officers who aided the murder have been charged as well. Tou looks pretty guilty too, (probably not coincidentally both of these mmany complaints filed against them for excessive force in the past you like bringing up Floy’ds past curiously you don’t bring up theirs) ) had prior the others its hard to see wha t they saw from their vantage point.

All deserve their day in court though Chauvin’s guilt is clear and as you point out NOT in