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1. They were also treasonous yet there are statues of them all over the US.
2. One correct point.
3. He was not a traitor to the Commonwealth of Virginia.
1. That’s an opinion. I think it was more complex then that. Lincoln when visiting Richmond after the war asked the band to play Dixie because already then he said the Confederacy was inherently an American thing.
2. You have to be insane to be so unmagnaminious.
3. Texas v White was in 1869. Nice try.
4. Because then you will find out how and why the Southerners seceded, from their own POV. Of course, in a Cancel Culture society they would ban the book so that their POV is never heard. (Invisible Gorilla looks like an interesting read Ill try to get it).
5. See number 3 (its actually an interesting phenomena that Lincoln wasn’t considered such a bad guy in postbellum South. You can read Rav Ilowy’s hesped of him despite the fact that Rav Ilowy was very pro-South (he ran away from Baltimore to New Orleans). I think it had to do with the way Lincoln was killed. People tend to romanticize assassinated individuals (read Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar)).
6. Alternatively statues were put up in the 30s brcaus thats when the veterans began dying out and in the 60s because of the centennial. But in Cancel Culture we dont allow that kind of thought ch”v.
7. Thank you
8-9. Thats your point of view. According to the 1619 project everything is rooted in racism.