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The rest of the Jewish world has no clout either. I think about this, especially as today as my former secular university is going to give a humanitarian award to a very outspoken anti-semite. They keep streets named for such, statues etc. I see hypocrisy everyday. Why should it be just the frum world, why not all Jews, and quite honestly, all Americans??? There are Jews out there who are disconnected and see it too.
I think it’s because in 3 or so generations, there’s no one to transmit values, culture or “religion” to them anymore. It’s one thing to have a parent or grandparent from the old country. But someone who is 15 or 30 today, who doesn’t go to Chabad and keeps to theirself?
At least in the beginning, when Hollywood was still Jewish, I saw an amazing interview that everyone, even the non-Jewish people spoke Yiddish!
We can’t have islands of different factions. Even if its hard to re-educate people who know nothing except western/christian drama’s on television, anything is better. I heard a Rabbi say that if all of this was lost in just 2 generations, imagine how easy it would be to get it back in 2!