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catch yourself

Yserbius123 – I don’t understand your post. To be clear, I think registration is a much bigger problem in the United States than many posters here realize it are willing to admit. This conversation was specifically about anti-black racism, but the same is true (to a lesser extent, I think) of antisemitism.

Joseph – I already explained that this Halacha itself proves that all people enjoy equal rights, and only in extreme circumstances when we are only able to save one person is there a hierarchy. This hierarchy is NOT based on any inherent superiority of certain types of people, as evidenced by the rules of Mamzer Talmid Chacham. Priority is given in this case to the person whose position provides greatest opportunity for Avodas Hashem (men have more Mitzvos, etc.).

In EVERY instance where the rights of two people are in conflict, NO preference is given on the basis of anything akin to race. The claim of a black Ger Tzedek is on equal standing to that of Moshe Rabbeinu himself.