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Doing my best

The main reason why the immigration laws of 100-200 years ago aren’t feasible is because back then once you came into the country you were on your own. If you didn’t have money for healthcare for example, then you died. It was that simple.
Nowadays it would cost tens of thousands of dollars to support a single immigrant until they found a well paying job, America can’t afford to take in millions of people a year.
I personally feel that the correct strategy would be to teach immigrants English when they come in, have live in schools to bring them up to a full high school education, and then help them with job placement. In order for this to work, I believe in a policy forcing every company which sells goods in the USA to produce 50% of their goods in America. The government can even subsidize the added cost up to the amount of tax money generated from the new jobs. This I believe should result in a healthy job market.