Reply To: Yeshivish Clothing

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I went to elementary school in an out of town place that was all round what I would call pretty modern, but with yeshivish rebbayim and principle. One thing about the school was the fact that even though it was modern and semi co-ed girls wore uniforms. I think ONE of the reasons was to take away social pressure of dressing in the perfect way in order to fit in. At first glace no one would think that yeshive bachrim who all were the same thing and yet it still matter whos hat says borrsilino in little gold letters and whos dosmt. I think the reason for this is not just a strictly a problem with yeshivish cultural , but a much broader problem: Their needs to be a strong mussar movement of gadlus ha adam. If we can realise how great we are then we can be able to have good self esteem and not give in to peer pressure of what is considers social norms and at the same time realise that it is still important to dress nice. If this is able to be realized then the reason bachrim wont be wearing a white shirt is because thats what looks like your from lakewood (if you have gadlus hadam you will have good enough self esteem to care) instead bachrim will wear white shirts black pants and 700 dollar hats will be because they are able to recognize their own greatness and understand that their clothing should represent that.