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Amil Zola

CT, when my husband and I were planning this home we initially planned on a pool. My spouse was nifter during construction and at that point in time I was I focused on getting the construction completed . I’ve been putting off this project, but now with Covid and our community pool closed it seemed to be a good time to get the work done. During fair weather I live outside most days so the pool is a respite from the heat. I did include a gas heater as well as a solar heating system. I suspect I’ll use the gas more in the spring and the solar in the fall .

Gadolhad, my home and property are private. There is both a private and ‘public’ mikvah in our town. My husband and I have always financially supported the public mikvah. As to rain, excess water will be detoured to a small riparian area that was part of this construction project.

Sam, I live outside the city limits in what we call the county, permitting was not required. All construction was done to city and state code regardless. I thank Hashem many times a day for the comfortable life I have. I do not leave gratitude to wait for a special occasion, it is part of my daily and sometimes hourly life.