Reply To: Yeshivish Clothing

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mesivta aliyah

Again it was a shvere matzav and the maskalims students wore uniforms and looked like they were very Chashuv and when the baal habatim looked they saw there Chashuve students going to university so Reb Yeshoua leib said that bochurim need to wear nice clothing at that time the bochurim were wearing leftover rags from the baal habatim and were eating the meals by their houses so he said that they are looking at the bochurim and they aren’t gonna have respect we need to have respect for bochurim so he started getting the bochurim nice clothes having meals in Yeshivah and giving a stipend to them what I was trying to say is that to combat the maskalim bochurim need to to establish a matzav of kavod haTorah if bochurim were still wearing rags then what would the matzav of the frume litvish community be now… Do u want to answer that question???