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The little I know

The reason that any of this is a problem is because we have a broken system. The earlier generations involved a talmid remaining under the tutelage of his Rosh Yeshiva long term, without the mobility that we now see. A few years here, 1-2 in E”Y, back to a freezer, and another few years. No steady, long term, permanent relationship. This fosters a development of structure being pinned on the address and location, not a rebbe who imbues a talmid with a derech halimud. We now identify a bochur as learning in yeshiva ploni in some city, rather than a talmid of Reb Ploni.

While learning lishmoh is a medraigoh that all wish to achieve, it is still way off. So the connection fails to be the Torah as Dvar Hashem, but whichever particular mesechtoh is currently being studied. The structure we all should have is first and foremost – learning the Torah as given on Sinai, authored by HKB”H. That connection rises above all geographic confines. I may not be able to access my familiar seat in the beis hamedrash, but I can bring the presence of the Shechinah wherever I choose to spend my time and effort learning.

This mobility may offer excitement and variety, but these are not ingredients in Torah Lishmoh. And our personal responsibility is to transcend above the address and connect with Torah – without boundaries.