Reply To: What type of yeshiva is Reb Shlomo feivel schustals yeshiva in Lakewood?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee What type of yeshiva is Reb Shlomo feivel schustals yeshiva in Lakewood? Reply To: What type of yeshiva is Reb Shlomo feivel schustals yeshiva in Lakewood?


So there is a kesher, but it is the responsibility of the bochur who wants to keep a connection to do so. Is that bad?? I have BH a few thousand Talmidim in 40 years of chinuch. Those who call, write, come by are showing they want to keep a kesher and it becomes a two way street. Am I expected to make “checking on you” or “kesher keeping calls” to all of them?? The few hundred who keep in touch, invite to simchos, gather for reunion Melave Malka in my house, call with needs etc keep the relationship going. Many others habve found other people to connect to. That is fine. When I hear of an issue, problem, tzara, aveilus in any of them I will initiate and reach out. I really believe in moat cases it is the achrayus of the Talmid to try to keep a kesher if he wants it.
By the way “shpitz amava” is not comparison to Moshe Rabbainu ch”v…. it describes someone in comparison to most people in OUR generation. If you’d meet him once for 5 minutes you would understand the description and how he reminds of his saintly humble father.