Reply To: Another Reason Not to Vote Democrat

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Another Reason Not to Vote Democrat Reply To: Another Reason Not to Vote Democrat

Avi K

1, didn’t you ever hear of not punishing the sons for the sins of their fathers? FYI, there are children and grandchildren of Nazis who became frum Jews.

CTL, on the contrary, whatever his personal failings Trump has filled the judiciary with friends of freedom of speech and religion. He is also the greatest friend of Israel since Truman. The Democratic party has been taken over by Marxists who are cancel the living and take down statues of the dead. Senile Joe Biden, who does not even know for what office he is running (he exhorted people to vote for him for the Senate) is just a figurehead.

Charlie, Obama lavished money on the PA kleptocrats. They took the lion’s share for themselves and used the rest to pay monthly pensions to families of terrorists killed by Israel. Trump defunded them (although the Euronazis continue to pay).