Reply To: Civil War 2

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Sam Klein


If staying in the united States or moving to Israel are not the right choice to do at this point and time then perhaps think about these other choices.

From the ruchnius spiritual perspective;
Ever thought about davening straight from your heart directly to Hashem and begging Hashem for Mashiach or to remove the decree of destroying this beautiful Medina Shel chessed of the USA? Hashem can change the decree in a split second and anything is possible to happen. As an example in the days of Noach Hashem DIDN’T promise Noach he would never destroy the world again chas vshalom he promised he wouldn’t destroy it with a flood like in the days of Noach and that was the treaty and promise Hashem made to Noach. But anything is possible for Hashem to do at any given moment. Hashem has the power to bring Mashiach on Shabbos it’s just not allowed. You have to realize that everything is possible but some are simply just not allowed

From a physical perspective:
Ever thought of moving to Canada or London both of which are different countries and have thriving jewish communities with possibly over a million jews in some of these countries. In these countries there are many jewish locations. In Canada you have Toronto and Montreal etc…. Or do you think Canada is next door to the USA and will also be affected with this civil war chas vshalom?

There are also other countries I didn’t mention above with thriving jewish communities that a person can move to and have a beautiful frum jewish life with their family as open frum yidden

May Hashem help you and everyone make the right decision