Reply To: Minorities that are Pro – Trump

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CTLawyer -“Like many, who become wealthy, he became a Republican to separate himself from the community from which he sprang.”

A typical LIBERAL LIE!
He became a Conservative when he first moved to Balto. to do his residency.
He became a Republican in 1981.
Residents don’t Make a lot of money.
He saw what Balto. (run by DemonCrats) has done to the Black Community, at least since the 60’s.

“He was a street thug as a teen who should have spend his life in prison for attempted murder,”

Funny – it’s you Libs who think our Justice System is Biased against Blacks. But many Lib states don’t Even give Life in Jail for actual MURDER!
The reason he got off from the Attempted Murder Charge – because the Knife hit the Victim’s Belt Buckle.
He got lucky.

“…and got him an education”

He actually did Poorly in the Black PS in Detroit, Like in Most Inner Cities, Run by your Party!
Later on he excelled by going to White Public School.
From his Bio.:
“Carson attended the predominantly white Higgins Elementary School for fifth and sixth grades and the predominantly white Wilson Junior High School for seventh and the first half of eighth grade.”
Then he went back to the Black PS, but he was already Motivated.