Reply To: IAEA: Iran Continues To Expand Stockpile Of Enriched Uranium

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Dr. Pepper


Iran is an established country that was just given access to $150,000,000,000. While it’s no surprise that it’s been taking longer than two years for it to buckle, it can not go on like this indefinitely. Additionally, Israel’s northern neighbor, Iran’s proxy, has been relatively quiet recently- a sign that Iran has cut some of their funding and that the sanctions are working.

If they do have the ability to obtain nuclear weapons now- with all the sanctions- imagine what they would have been able to obtain after the treaty expired and there were no sanctions in place. Does anyone believe that they wouldn’t have tried? What would the treaty have accomplished besides for kicking the can down the road for 15 years and leaving it for another president to deal with.

Also, another issue that keeps getting ignored here is that even according to those who believe that Iran was adhering to their terms of the treaty and not pursuing nuclear weapons, they were pursuing other dangerous and threatening weapons allowed under the deal. That had to be stopped.