Reply To: The End of the Medina

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee The End of the Medina Reply To: The End of the Medina


May your disdain for life and health be elevated to love for your fellow Jew; May your ignorance of the national responsibilities of Am Yisroel be replaced with hakoras hatov for the streets, the hospitals, the electricity and water, the post and the regulations that govern maaseh vematan, and of course for the young men who put their lives on the line for every jew every day. Of course, living in medina hakedosha of Monsey, that probably means nothing to you, but it means something to the God fearing inhabitants of Israel, or it should.

The government of Israel started off well but has handled the pandemic for the last 4 months awfully. I make no excuses for incompetence; but your implicit accusation is that they want to uproot Torah and are using this to do so.

You think too much of yourself. To the extent that it doesn’t interfere with their lives, doesn’t ignore the shared responsibilities of citizenship, or cause a spread of a deadly virus, THEY DON”T CARE what you believe or how you practice. Neither the government nor the individuals who are not chareidi have the time, energy, inclination or incentive to try to erase Torah. In fact here is more Torah being learned by more people -subsidized in many waysby the medina THAN AT ANY TIME IN JEWISH HISTORY. And you think they are trying to destroy Torah?

May you be blessed with more clarity and may HKBH take the blinders of sinas chinom from your eyes.