Reply To: Why are massive protests okay, but davening in a minyan is not?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Why are massive protests okay, but davening in a minyan is not? Reply To: Why are massive protests okay, but davening in a minyan is not?

🍫Syag Lchochma

Speaking of bad middos, can everyone stop dumping on everyone without a mask? I am so sick of the self righteousness. If you don’t like it, stay away.

I think people who smoke are endangering people so i stay away. I think people who don’t buckle up are dangerous so i stay away. I think people who offer schnapps to kids or drink too much are dangerous so i stay away from them too. And the same for yentas who are dangerous to my spiritual health. Just learn to be responsible, stop judging everyone and grow up!

And regarding trump rallies, unless you’re honest enough to include protestors in the same sentence, drop it.