Reply To: Is hydroxychloroquine really proven ineffective??

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Is hydroxychloroquine really proven ineffective?? Reply To: Is hydroxychloroquine really proven ineffective??


JacobLev, do you really think that POTUS would be so dumb as to entrust his life solely to Public Health? Do you really believe everything which the media (both right and left) dole out? There’s a lot of decoys put into play. What i mean, is a cascade of diversionary static used as a cover-up. Whatever the exact term is.

Just because his doctor said remdesivir (or whatever) has been doing the trick, how do you know that’s not a cover for HCQ/zinc, or alternatively, “redundant” to HCQ/zinc?

As much as this may leave a sour taste in the mouths of many YWN members, there are still many frum people who have him constantly in their tefillos, just as they did long ago for the Russian Czar. The Torah says you’re supposed to be mispallel for shlemus of malchus, which is why i can’t fathom how YWN members openly oppose him.

You may cite his disloyalty to Kurds, and his neglect of Pollard.
Well that’s true. And that’s probably why he’s been made to suffer such persecution himself. (Actually the same demons who’ve persecuted him thus far, will persecute all of us if either they win OR he wins. It’s a lose/lose situation and only a miracle can save us.

Also, to all Never-Trumper’s i happen to know a frum guy who has =exactly= Trump’s personality and lack of middos. (Similar looks too) Yet so many of you are probably quick to forgive the Trump carbon-copies in your midst, but not the guy himself. Why? Because he’s a “goy” and the chutzpiniak isn’t? But it should be “punkt farkert” – better middos should be expected from acheinu!