Reply To: Trump Winning

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Reb Eliezer,

If you are talking about the letter signed by 13 robbonim, the copy issued in charedi news (e.g. was undated, but the copy trump tweeted was dated June 10, 2020.

The letter lavished praise and thanked trump for calling religious institutions “essential” but it was not a political endorsement.

I think it’s fair to question why a four month old letter was released without a date 2 weeks before an election. It would seem that someone wanted it to feel like an endorsement even though it wasn’t.

Rabbi Moshe Margaretten who according to theyeshivaworld spearheaded the effort tweeted that “We worked months to gather signatures (wanted to gather even more).” Not to minimize the signatures of 13 rabbonim, but you if spend months gathering signatures and get only 13, how many robbonim declined to sign the letter.