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SRivka and chan56. There is a great article with a very informative interactive display in the New York Times today. You can Google it. The research was done by Joseph Allen from the Harvard School of Public Health. He’s been involved in making buildings more healthy.
As a former health care provider, OR’s aren’t injected with extra oxygen. Everyone should try to do their part. If you don’t want to wear a mask, don’t, but please think about others when you go out. You wouldn’t want you or your family to get sick, why disregards the health of others. With thousands of people sick or dead across the world, there isn’t some mass conspiracy from the world’s governments.
By the way, there has been hundreds of yiddishe folk who unfortunately have been taken this year. Why not do your part. Properly fitted masks reduce the number of particles breathed in / out, protecting you and the others around.
SRivka, if you have the ability to post on YW, you have the ability to search Google for the tons of medical research worldwide post SARS on wearing masks with an aerosolized pathogen.
Do yourself and others a favour, Google the pictures of Spanish Flu and everyone wore masks.
Lastly, rebreathing CO2 has been studied as well and it’s findings show that it’s not an issue. Even with a well-fitted mask would allow CO2 to leave but keep most of the particles in. Please, do some research. Wear a mask properly (that includes over your nose), social distance and at home, put your humidifiers on to help with covid and flu…Hatzlacha and oh, pls daven for all the sick yidden at home and in hospital. I should let you know, that I know a 3 year old who tested positive for covid and was rushed to hospital this past shabbos. Lets all do our part!!!