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From July 12, 1946 article:

Out in Jerusalem, in an office situated ironically on Bethlehem Road, where, according to Jewish legend Mother Rachel weeps at midnight over the plight of her children, the people of Israel, I met Achmed Shukeiri, chief of the Arab Office, who reiterated in his conversation the words of Goebbels justified the murder of six million Jews of Europe “because Hitler could not have been all wrong,” and warned that his side was ready to “play along with Moscow.” They always play along, the Husseini-Shukeiri mob. Outside the Young Men’s Chr. Association building in Jerusalem, where the hearings of the Anglo-American Inquiry Committee were being held at the time, I met Jamal el Husseini; he issued the same warning as Shukeiri (he being Shukeiri’s chief) of playing along with Moscow, and reiterated his justification of the mass murder of six million Jews “for Hitler couldn’t be all wrong… you have got to see both sides of a question, my man, both sides of a question…” Jamal Husseini saw both sides so well that he joined in igniting, at a time most critical for the Allies, the Iraq coup d’etat to gauleiter the Middle East for Hitler

“Behind Britain’s Zion Conspiracy”
By Bernard Lerner.
The Detroit Jewish News July 12, 1946  Page 2 

“British Actions in Palestine.” By Bernard Lerner, July 12, 1946, The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Page 7


1961 testimony in US Congress:

Shukairy got his start in “politics” in the early 1930s when he belonged to a group of fanatical extremists led by the ex-Mufti. This gang cooperated with the Communists and prior to the HitlerStalin Pact sought in every possible way to sabotage the Allied war effort against the Nazis in the Middle East. However, when Soviet Russia joined the Allies, Shukairy’s group split with the Communists and went all out for Hitler.</blockquote

Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the … Congress – United States. Congress – 1961, p.5735 (p.35).


From a report in “Ahora!” magazine, volume 186, 1967:

Shukairy worked with the Russian communists in the past, long before Nasser out of some consequence. But Shukairy is now openly linked with the Chinese communists, although the Chinese and Russian goals of revolutionary uprising seem now to coincide in the Middle East, it differs only as who will emerge on top. Shukairy cooperated with the communist party of Palestine, directed by Moscow before the Second World War. However, after Hitler attacked Russia and the communists around the world changed positions, the fierce and unpredictable Shukairy has aligned himself with Hitler for his programs against the Jews.

Original text in Spanish:

Shukairy cooperó con el Partido Comunista de Palestina, dirigido por Moscú antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Sin embargo, después que Hitler atacó a Rusia ya los comunistas en todo el mundo cambió posiciones, el feroz e impredecible Shukairy se alineó con Hitler por sus programas contra los judios.