Reply To: Internet

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Part of an email I received from GuardYourEyes:

R’ Nechemia Gottlieb, the director of TAG, has worked closely with the Gedolei Hador to address the challenges posed by the Internet. He has graciously allowed us to excerpt and adapt his monograph, Nisayon Hador, in which he elaborates on this issue.

The Internet has ramifications in a host of areas. We will break them down by category:

1. Tumah

2. Waste of Time — Bitul z’man

3. Consumerism

4. Challenge to Authority

5. Cognitive Damage

6. Heresy — Kefirah

7. Where the Wicked Meet — Kinus l’reshaim

8. Loshon Hora and Disputes

9. A Breach in the Wall

10. Addiction

11. Gaming

12. Social Networking

13. Family and Social Life

14. Filters and Monitors

(He then expounds on each one)