Reply To: His Fraudulency, Joe Biden Junior

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee His Fraudulency, Joe Biden Junior Reply To: His Fraudulency, Joe Biden Junior


@Ben Levi

This is Fact #1

” Rather the courts are ruling that the networks projected the wrong results based on fraudulent ballots.”
The lawsuits being filed make no allegations about the media predicting/calling a winner and the courts cannot rule they projected wrong results. The courts can only rule on the issues of law in the suit. The issues raise have to do with alleged fraud, counting ballots received after state imposed deadlines, and ineligible ballots being counted or ballots counted more than once (there may be a few more allegations, but not all the suits have been filed so I can’t read the pleadings yet.

AMATEURS, such as yourself would do better to keep your mouth shut, rather than pontificate about the law….especially since you are so ignorant of the law and what rulings may be issued.

Again, 40+ years a licensed attorney in 4 states and have taught law school as an adjunct Professor,

BTW, Oh Brilliant One, each lawsuit calls for different remedies for different alleged harms. Some suits ask for a recount, some ask that certain ballots not be counted, some ask for a recount under different supervision than the original count. Don’t claim to know facts when it is so obvious you don’t know the law. AND>>>>>>>>>>>>>the Federal Courts have to apply State Law to most of these cases because the rules of voting (except for minimum age of 18 and allowing women to vote) are determined by the states, not the Federal Government.