Reply To: Derech of Hasidic Learning

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Reb Eliezer

There is a small booklet called תנו כבוד לתורה from Rav Shimon Furst available at, which questions the litwish learning about bekios. In Chasan Sofer, to remedy this, we had two sedorim, one in the morning following the litwish derech and the other in the afternoon where we would learn for bekios. So, chasidishe emphasize more bekios as sinai veoker horim, sinai adef whereas the litiishe the sharpness. The was the argument between the Beis Shamai, sharpness whereas the Beis Hilel, bekios. I once heard that this is the argument by Chanukah. The Beis Hilel required sharpness which improves with age, so we light going forward whereas the Beis Shamai required better memory which occurs in the youth, so they went backwards. Also, what are we celebrating? The hatzala, going forward or the mapala, going backwards as by Sukkas with the oxen. The Orchas Tzadikim above is in Shaar Hatorah starting with Veod.